Youth Workshops (Ages 5 - 18)
Juniors: Ages 5-11
Seniors: Ages 11-18
As well as club nights, younger people can join as a Junior Member through our well established Youth Workshops.
These aim to build the confidence of the children and young people through a fun, non-threatening environment that focuses on team building, voice and movement work. We also endeavour to involve the young people in a range of the theatre’s output including performances and readings on Thursday nights and other evenings. There is also the opportunity to perform alongside senior members when opportunities arise.
Child protection is taken very seriously by Neath Little Theatre. All leaders hold DBS certificates, we have a designated Child Protection Officer, a Child Protection Policy and licenced chaperones.
Yearly membership is £5 and individual sessions are £1. Please come to the first sessions with parental consent and two emergency contact numbers.
Contact us for more details..